Colordrop sargeras
Colordrop sargeras

#Colordrop sargeras trial

Heroic: Trial of Valor (New) Defeat the following bosses within the Trial of Valor on Heroic difficulty or higher.Boneafide Tri Tip (New) Defeat Guarm after taking his Chew Toy into all three Guardian's Breaths in Trial of Valor on Normal difficulty or higher.The Rat Pack (New) Defeat a Mana Devourer while riding Rats of Usual Size.Stay Salty Defeat Lady Hatecoil after destroying 11 or more Saltbrine Saltsea Globules with a single Curse of the Witch in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.Season Tickets (New) Complete each of the following Opera Hall plays in Return to Karazhan: 10 points.Scared Straight (New) Defeat the Shade of Medivh while all party members have Paranoid in Return to Karazhan.Return to Karazhan Guild Run (New) Defeat Advisor Melandrus in Court of Stars on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.Return to Karazhan (New) Defeat Viz'aduum the Watcher in Return to Karazhan.One Night in Karazhan (New) Speak with the Image of Medivh in Return to Karazhan.Dine and Bash (New) Complete the Moroes encounter in Return to Karazhan after defeating all 4 dinner guests within 10 seconds of each other.Burn After Reading (New) Collect all four Sealed Tomes from Return to Karazhan.Now You're Thinking With Portals Activate all of the teleporters in Suramar.No Shelfish Endeavor (New) Complete the Murky storylines listed below.Leyline Bling Activate all of the leyline feeds in Suramar.Insurrection (New) Complete the Suramar storylines listed below.Unearth the stories of the Harbingers of the Legion's invasion. Harbinger Complete the three quests listed below.Insurrection - Capper (New) Players must defeat the Chronomatic Anomaly in the Nighthold.Sul'thraze the Lasher (New) Acquire Sul'thraze the Lasher.Realm First! Helya (New) First guild on the realm to defeat Helya in Trial of Valor on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.Classy Worgen Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Worgen classes listed below.Classy Undead Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Undead classes listed below.Classy Trolls Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Troll classes listed below.Classy Tauren Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Tauren classes listed below.Classy Pandaren Reach level 90 Reach max level on each of the Pandaren classes listed below.Classy Orcs Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Orc classes listed below.Classy Night Elves Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Night Elf classes listed below.Classy Humans Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Human classes listed below.Classy Goblins Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Goblin classes listed below.Classy Gnomes Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Gnome classes listed below.Classy Dwarves Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Dwarven classes listed below.Classy Draenei Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Draenei classes listed below.Classy Blood Elves Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the Blood Elf classes listed below.A Class Act Reach level 85 Reach max level on each of the classes listed below.Is There a Medic in the Zone? Complete 10 of the wounded npc quests Come to the aid of 10 wounded travelers across the Broken Isles.Field Medic Complete all of the wounded npc quests Come to the aid of all wounded travelers across the Broken Isles.Diablo's 20th Anniversary (New) There is no cow level.Everything Tastes Better Obtain a 6 hour "Yummy Bacon" buff.Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King (New) Collect all of the battle pets listed below from Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, and Icecrown Citadel.Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Collect Pet Battles

Colordrop sargeras